“So thankful for Dr. Cohl.”

We are so thankful for Dr. Cohl and the endless amount of time and effort he has put into making our skin look so much clearer. He has helped us so much and we would recommend him to anyone. Thank you Dr. Cohl!

— Ali & Lucas.

“I have more energy!”

I met Dr. Cohl and began a new lifestyle.  I have learned how to manage stress to eliminate the negative effects it has on me mentally and physically. I cannot express how much his help has made the positive difference in my life.

— Debra Farina


Thank You Dr. Cohl, you truly did get my life back to where I am active and enjoying all the things I love to do everyday.

— Anthony Nuzzo


“He's on the forefront of new science.”

Dr. Cohl is on the forefront of a new science of healing that will change the way we look at health and wellness and if anyone has every been dissatisfied with the medical community for their ability to ‘fix’ a problem, they should know there is another more powerful method that can bring health beyond what they think is possible today.  See Dr. Cohl today you deserve it and so do those you love.

— Marty Apple

“Very pleased!”

His highly skilled usage of a unique combination of healing methods and techniques is very effective as a treatment for a variety of ailments.   I have had breathing problems (COPD) for several years and a very low energy level.   Dr. Cohl has the ability to root out and eliminate issues that have been a burden to me for years, bringing about almost immediate improvement both physically and emotionally

— Sheryl Wilday


Dr. Cohl is truly the best doctor I ever had; he just seems like a miracle worker. I would highly recommend him to anyone.

— Gwen Tagart


“He has a gift!”

This message of THANKS will never compare to what Dr. Cohl has done for both my physical and mental being.  Dr. Cohl has a gift and I thank him for sharing it with the world.

— Michael Butkowski

“He is a doctor in the truest sense.”

Dr. Cohl is a teacher, with his words of guidance and methods of physical and mental therapy, he teaches us to know and listen to our bodies.  He is a doctor in the truest sense. 

— McKenna Mabry